Internal security encountings : from 7 to 10 of october 2015

Préfecture de Saint-Barthélemy et de Saint-Martin
Par Préfecture de Saint-Barthélemy et de Saint-Martin 7 Oct 2015 06:29

Internal security encountings : from 7 to 10 of october 2015

Since 2013, the internal security encountings put in relation on all the territory, the citizens and the services that are responsable of that security. This year, the event will take place from 7 to 10 of october 2015.

The Préfecture of Saint-Barthélémy and Saint-Martin invites the population to be at the rendez-vous.

Wedesday and thursday will be dedicated to mediations inside the schools with the deliquency prevention’s squad who will prevent on risk taking behaviours for the youngers.
Safety on the road will be the main topic for the motorized squad inside the high schools.
Furthermore, thursday and friday, for the children of primary schools (CP-CE1) of marigot, a cycling track will be installed and managed by the territorial police in order to teach the respect of trafic regulations.

Friday the 9 from 9 o’clock, on the water front, next to the maritime station, many stands will be installed to welcome the public : Gendarmes (cops), immigration’s police, sea rescuers, red cross, aids association…

The program :
– 9h30:hudgefiremen’sleaderwillbedeployedwithuseofafirehose – 10h15:demonstrationofcarinspection.
– 10h45:interpellationonthepublicplacewithuseoffaketaser.

Saturday at 11 o’clock :
Demonstration of sea recue based on a script of « boat on fire » allowing intervention of sea rescuers relayed by the red cross in order to take charge the victims in charge. Bring your cameras and smartphones, some nice pictures will be able to be taken.

Those internal security encontings represent great opportunnities to have a better contact with the operators that ensure our security but also to instigate new vocations, so be there !

Préfecture de Saint-Barthélemy et de Saint-Martin
Par Préfecture de Saint-Barthélemy et de Saint-Martin 7 Oct 2015 06:29

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