Sint Maarten Police Report

2016-02-09 | 21:08h
2016-02-09 | 21:08h
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Sint Maarten Police Report
Par Korps Politie Sint Maarten 9 Fév 2016 16:08


P O L I C E   R E P O R T

Suspect arrested for illegal fire-arm and threat

The Police on Friday February 5th 2016 at approximately 05.50 p.m. arrested a male suspect with initials C.T.S. (27), a well-known to the police for illegal fire-arm possession and threat. Part of the investigation included a search of his home but, this did not have any positive results. The fire-arm was confiscated and the suspect remains in custody pending further investigation.

Armed robbery

The Special Robbery Unit is presently investigating an armed robbery which took place on Monday February 8th at approximately 06.00 p.m. at Wah Yung Supermarket in Cole Bay. A unknown man with his face covered with a T-shirt, dressed in dark clothing, stormed into the establishment showing the cashier a sword took a handful of money and fled the scene on foot in the direction of Narrow Drive.

The Special Robbery Unit is asking anyone who may have information that could lead to the arrest of this suspect to immediately get in contact with the police department by calling #9300 or Tel: 54-22222 ext. 204-205

Suspect arrested in ongoing investigation

Police arrested a male suspect with initials K.C.L.B. (26) on Monday February 8th at approximately 01.30 p.m. in the Sucker Garden area. The suspect, for whom a warrant for his arrest was issued in connection with an ongoing for ill-treatment, threat and fire-arm possession, was identified by a police patrol on the Walter Nisbeth road.

A short pursuit by the patrol lead them to a home in Sucker Garden, which the suspect fled into. The suspect was arrested on the scene and a search of the home was done, because the suspect in question is known to carry a fire-arm at all times. During the search a loaded pistol was found and confiscated. The suspect remains in custody for further investigation.

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Par Korps Politie Sint Maarten 9 Fév 2016 16:08

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