David REDOR, a.k.a. ‘Crazy Dave’ completes the 12th Marathon of his 2016 USA Challenge despite very difficult conditions

Par Rédaction 22 Mar 2016 08:26

David REDOR, a.k.a. ‘Crazy Dave’ completes the 12th Marathon of his 2016 USA Challenge despite very difficult conditions

The 2016 Yuengling Shamrock Marathon in Virginia Beach is the 12th of the 52 marathons that David Redor, a.k.a. ‘Crazy Dave,’ has decided to run in 2016 to achieve his US Challenge. Redor hangs on, even when it becomes tough.

A lot of experience with long runs allows David Redor to master his skills and spare his body. This is not that easy as every run is different! Whether it be the course or the weather, David Redor needs to adapt his mind to his body each time. The narration of his 12th marathon reveals how much our champion suffered last Sunday, and shows once more how well – thanks to a strong mind and Immun’ÂgeÒ – he can cope with tremendous pain and reinforce his great potential to achieve his unbelievable challenge, as crazy as he is, i.e. 52 marathons in 52 weeks!

Please read below David REDOR’s report on his 2016 Yuengling Shamrock Marathon.

“Welcome to ‘Ireland’!”

6:58. I wake up two minutes before the alarm clock goes off. I slept well and feel rested. It’s a good thing as the weather forecast plans rain, strong winds and cold temperatures for the day. When I look through the window, the forecast was accurate. I dress accordingly: two close-fitting tops underneath a windbreaker, long legging and a cap.

I eat breakfast and walk to the start area located about twenty minutes from my hotel.

It’s raining with strong and icy gusts of wind (Wind gusts of 34 mph are expected). Welcome to Saint Patrick’s Day marathon! The organization was great! They even managed to bring real Irish weather!

The wind is so strong that I hardly can keep my cap and bib on. During the run I even think of getting back to my hotel (we pass somewhat in front of it) to change into a closer fitting windbreaker – mine catches the wind too much – and get more pins for my bib as I am afraid it will be blown away before the finish line. I give up the idea and it’ll turn out later to be the right decision.

There is nobody at the starting area, or course. All the runners have taken shelter from the weather in the entrance of the nearby Hilton hotel. The national anthem is beautifully performed a cappella, and we go to our starting corrals.

We don’t have to wait very long because of the weather conditions, and my corral group takes off about two minutes after the gun goes off.

I feel stiff because of the cold temperature and the rain, but the pace is OK, i.e. around 9 min/mile.

We run down Atlantic Avenue along the beach before going into Rudee Inlet. It suddenly stops raining and it will never rain again during the run – one problem less to handle. It is cold though but I will be able to cope with it. We run with the wind gusts at our back but it does not worry me, as the wind will be our only worst enemy today! I already think how nightmarish our way back along the oceanfront will be. At this point, the wind pushes us forward a bit and we take advantage of it reaching the 5 km in 28 minutes. My goal today consists of keeping a regular pace, as I want to reach km 30 in about three hours. We should run the last 12 km with the wind at our back (If I read the course properly).

At km 8, we turn around and then run through a military base where I reach km 10 in 58 minutes. Despite the weather, the soldiers are standing there encouraging us! Really nice guys! We return to the oceanfront where the wind gusts are blowing in all directions, which is quite annoying to runners.

However, because of the conditions of today’s run, my slow pace seems ok with me and I pass km 15 in 01h28min. I keep on with the strategy I have chosen for today’s run. However, we are reaching the dreaded moment at km 17: we arrive at the boardwalk where the nightmare will begin. The wind blows unavoidably into our face slowing us down. Advertising signs are down (see picture) and I need to turn my cap around so as to not have it blown away. I figure out it’s going to be tough until we turn around at km 30.

We run over where the starting line had been. I pass km 20 in 02h01min and the half marathon in 02h07min, which is OK considering what‘s blowing in my face! We wind our way in the same direction down a street parallel to Atlantic Avenue, but nothing changes: The wind continues blowing in our faces and we run a 6-km long slight rise. This straight stretch is going to kill my legs. I reach km 25 in 02h34min. This pace should still make it possible for me to reach km 30 in the time I have allotted for myself, but some damage has been done! My pace slows down, as I can no longer speed up even though passing through woods slightly shelters us from the wind until km 30.

I pass the 30th km in 03h12min, and try to keep my pace. My legs suffer quite a bit but I am lucid, in great spirits and hang on. After km 30, we go into another military base and then head south again towards the finish area expecting to have the wind at our back. But no! We face the wind that suddenly blows in all directions and drives us nuts! We pass in front of the new lighthouse and the old Cape Henry lighthouse–the oldest standing lighthouse in the United States. The wind gusts get worse, blowing sideways for about five kilometers.

I reach km 35 in 03h53min figuring out that, if I stay on course, I can complete the run in less than five hours. So I hang on. At km 37, just when we run again on the long straight stretch, the wind decides to give us a hand. Strong gusts at my back help me to speed up until the end of the straight stretch where I pass km 40 in 04h35min. We then turn right to face the ocean… and the wind at the same time! I hold my cap tight – it got almost blown away from my head – and run the last straight stretch on the boardwalk with big wind gusts blowing side ways for a finish in 04h52min42s according to my watch. The organization will add one minute and a few extra seconds to my time.

I am really happy it’s over, as I have never run the entire course of a marathon with such a strong wind.

I get a well-deserved Shamrock Marathon medal and head toward the huge tent on the beach for the post-race party. Great atmosphere! I eat a very good vegetable soup; excellent to warm up this marathon runner, and then head where I can get a Saint Patrick beer. Last week I could not get any (I had no ID on me) but today I can have four pints – I’ll only drink one! But would not miss it! I have been wearing for two days the wrist bracelet that entitles me to drink beer! I drink to the health of the Irish people that I love, but for God sake’s, people, leave your weather home next time!

Having said that, I have already run in Dublin where the weather was much better than here today.

I am going back to the hotel. It’s starts raining again and I arrive just in time to avoid a heavy shower. The weather really hounded us today.

The Shamrock marathon course is flat and fast. With better weather conditions, the run is probably quite pleasant. But there is nothing anybody can do when it comes to the weather. The marathon organization and security were flawless.

I really want to thank all the volunteers that helped us today while bearing this cold weather for hours; the police and soldiers that always thought of cheering and encouraging us, and the fans who were courageous enough to stay in the cold along the course.

Let’s meet next week in Georgia on Skideway Island for a marathon that offers pretty scenery full of flowers, according to the organization.


Par Rédaction 22 Mar 2016 08:26

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