Sint Maarten : 11 scooters confiscated controlled and confiscated by police

2016-05-16 | 22:09h
2016-05-16 | 22:09h
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Sint Maarten : 11 scooters confiscated controlled and confiscated by police
Par Korps Politie Sint Maarten 16 Mai 2016 16:09

On Sunday May 15th in the afternoon to evening hours numerous calls came into the Police Central Dispatch of a large group of motorcycles and scooters were riding recklessly and causing a great deal of unnecessary noise and in doing so disrupting the peace and causing public disorder in Philipsburg and surrounding areas.

These riders were also not wearing proper safety gear such as a helmet. Police patrols were informed of what was going on and immediately went on the search for the riders. Several police patrols involved in this control succeeded in stopping a large number of these riders at the lookout point at the top of Cole Bay hill (Harold Jack) while the rest of them, when they noticed that they were being stopped by police, turned around and sped away. As a result of this control traffic on the A.J.C. Brouwers road was backed-up for a few minutes.


During this control a total of 11 scooters and motorcycles were confiscated because they did not have any documentation. The riders were all given a fine for not having documentation for the scooter/motorcycle, riding without a license, reckless riding and for not riding with a helmet. One of these riders were also arrested and brought to the Philipsburg Police Station due to the fact that he had an outstanding fine of Nafls 625.00/ U.S. $ 353.10. After paying his fine he was released.

All scooter/motorcycles that were confiscated were taken to the Philipsburg Police Station for safe keeping until the owners can produce all necessary for these vehicles.

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Par Korps Politie Sint Maarten 16 Mai 2016 16:09

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