SXM Airport Installs Bar Code Boarding Pass e-Gates For Faster Passenger Processing

The Princess Juliana International Airport (SXM) recently installed six Bar Code Boarding Pass (BCBP) e-Gates to provide a faster, simpler, and more convenient boarding pass security control procedure.
The BCBP e-Gates validates the authenticity of the boarding pass, including confirmation that the boarding pass is for an active flight on the day of travel.
The BCBP e-Gates process, which takes less than five seconds, will improve passenger processing and is quite user friendly, based on passengers’ feedback, since the machines were inaugurated last week.
“SXM Airport is one of the first in our region to provide this 100% self-service passenger experience.” This innovative hardware component was developed by Vision-Box, in collaboration with SXM Airport and Immigration and Border Protection Services (IBP).
“SXM Airport is proud of this accomplishment, which is another successful milestone. Automation has and continues to revolutionize the aviation industry,” said Larry Donker, Deputy Managing Director.
The process is simple and easy. Passengers must first check-in online, at the self-service kiosks throughout the terminal or at the airline’s check-in counter. Once in possession of a paper boarding pass, passengers then can proceed to the BCBP e-Gates where they will scan the barcode section of the boarding pass. Once the boarding pass has been validated, the BCBP e-Gate will open and the passenger may proceed upstairs to the departure level.
At the departure level, the passenger will proceed to an Immigration and Border Protection (IBP) officer and subsequently through the security check-point and on to their departure gate.
With self-service solutions being the new standard in the industry, SXM Airport is making leaps and bounds towards its vision of offering passengers an experience that will move them,” said Donker.
Donker also disclosed that efforts are ongoing to implement the necessary solution for the acceptance of electronic boarding passes on mobile phones and other smart devices in the future.

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