King: “Awayo, wha happen in grand case?”
Morris: “6 kids beat a man fo 20 dollar”
K: Why dey get on like dat?
M: Dunno, maybe we ask the police?
K: Police dunno notin, they to busy , they ga’ oder tings to do
M: like wha?
K: Dey snawin in dey hot bed and ketchin dey fat paycheck , dey no work for we
M: Maybe we ask the gendarmes?
K: gendarmes dunno notin , they tourist, dey afraid o’de people
M: Maybe we ask the president?
K: president too busy.
M : president too busy for wah?
K: A don like de way he gettin on. He too busy cuttin sports, cuttin schools and cuttin security fo mo money fo ‘is sweet friends
M: Why he do dat?
K: Cause he teachin, he a good teacher
M: Teachin wha?
K: Teachin us kids how to beat a man fo 20 dollars!!!
Black and Angry