11 Public Shelters Available for Hurricane Season

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11 Public Shelters Available for Hurricane Season
Par Sxminfo Antilles 8 Juin 2012 04:00


GREAT BAY, Sint Maarten (DCOMM) – Disaster Coordinator/Fire Chief Winston Salomon says there are 11 public shelters available for the hurricane season. A number of buildings are chosen and equipped (prior to a definite hurricane strike) to serve as public shelters.
These buildings are chosen based on the buildings’ ability to withstand hurricane conditions and their height above sea level.
Space in shelters is limited and is meant for people who feel that their home is unsafe and can’t find another safe place to stay.

If your home is hurricane proof and is in a safe location, it is probably best to stay there during a storm. Alternative options are to stay with family or friends whose house is also hurricane proof, however if you are unsure, do not hesitate to go to a public shelter. Shelters are meant for temporary stay of up to 72 hours. Persons utilizing a public shelter must realize that many people have to share a small space and therefore must be prepared for some amount of discomfort.

There is a management team in charge of the shelter once it is opened. Safety is a main concern, and persons will have to follow shelter warden instructions.

Take the time now to assess your house, and if you can, get an architect to do a proper assessment. This will determine whether you will stay with friends or family or make use of a public shelter.

The U.S. National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the parent body of the National Hurricane Center (NHC) out of Miami, Florida, has forecasted a near-normal 2012 Atlantic hurricane season.

The forecasts calls for nine to 15 named storms, of which four to eight can strengthen to become hurricanes, and of that one to three can become major hurricanes.

It only takes one hurricane strike to make this a bad season, and therefore the Office of Disaster Management is urging the community to be prepared as it is your responsibility to do so every season.

The remaining names of potential storms for the 2012 season are: Chris, Debby, Ernesto, Florence, Gordon, Helene, Isaac, Joyce, Kirk, Leslie, Michael, Nadine, Oscar, Patty, Rafael, Sandy, Tony, Valerie and William.

The 2012 hurricane season officially runs through November 30.

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Par Sxminfo Antilles 8 Juin 2012 04:00

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