St. Martin Book Fair gifts for the elderly, students, and prisoners

2012-07-30 | 19:25h
2014-06-13 | 22:52h
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St. Martin Book Fair gifts for the elderly, students, and prisoners
Par F.L 30 Juil 2012 13:25


GREAT BAY/MARIGOT, St. Martin (July 29, 2012)—Gifts of the ‘Cuisine is culture’ poster and a book of St. Martin poetry are making the rounds as part of the program to generate more public awareness of the St. Martin Book Fair during its 10th anniversary year, said Jacqueline Sample, president of House of Nehesi Publishers (HNP).

A few days ago, Book Fair Committee member Ari Sutton (L, photo 1) presented the framed ‘Cuisine is culture’ poster to Sundial principal Mireille Regales-Peterson – for the high school’s hospitality training program. In photo 2, Chef Felix Hyman (L) posed with the poster, presented by Sutton to Yvette’s Restaurant in French Quarter. According to Sample, the poster or book presentations have already been made or will be made shortly to the St. Martin Home and Bethany Home for the elderly, the House of Detention library, Sundial School, Lycée Polyvalent, the Marigot Public Library, Philipsburg Jubilee Library, and the St. Maarten Tourist Bureau.

HNP and Conscious Lyrics foundations organized the 2012 book fair from May 28 to June 2, in collaboration with the St. Maarten Tourist Bureau, the Ministry of Education & Culture, the University of St. Martin, and the Collectivity of St. Martin.

Source: House of Nehesi Publishers []

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Par F.L 30 Juil 2012 13:25

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