Prison. On fume, on boit, on se call et on “s’équipe” à la prison de Pointe Blanche

Igor Rembotte
Par Igor Rembotte 17 Déc 2013 12:22

Prison. On fume, on boit, on se call et on “s’équipe” à la prison de Pointe Blanche

171213-PrisonC’est par voie de communiqué émanant du ministère de la justice de Sint Maarten que nous est révélée l’information, bel effort de transparence lorsque l’on prend la mesure de ce que les services pénitentiaires assistés des forces de police ont découvert dans l’enceinte de la prison de Pointe Blanche le 14 décembre dernier : téléphones cellulaires, machettes “maison”, drogue, alcool et autres babioles.

Voilà qui laisse à réfléchir quant à l’opportunité d’un projet carcéral partagé car entre les établissements guadeloupéens de Basse-Terre et de Baie Mahault largement épinglés par l’Observatoire International des Prisons et celui de Pointe Blanche auquel il ne semble manquer qu’un room-service, le choix est cornélien.

  OIP-171213.pdf (50,0 KiB, 642 hits)

Cell search at the Prison and House of Detention

On Saturday , December 14th 2013, a complete search of the Prison and House of Detention in Pointe Blanche was carried out by the staff of that institution assisted by members of the Police Force, the VKS and the Customs. This search was done based on information reaching the office of the director informing him that a lot of illegal items such as weapons, cellular phones, drugs and alcohol were hidden, used and even circulating within the compounds of the institution.

Police assistance was granted by the Chief of Police upon the request by the Prison Director. The presence of the police was to make sure the search was carried out without incidents. The search was of importance to insure the safety of the prison guards, the prison staff and the inmates.

During the search items such as self-made machetes, shanks, drugs, alcohol and cellular phones, were found hidden in the cells. These items was confiscated to be used as evidence, which will go along with a report after the investigation regarding the search has been finalized. The search was done without incidents.

Igor Rembotte
Par Igor Rembotte 17 Déc 2013 12:22

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