Minister Lake says expresses deepest condolences to the Heyliger and Zwanikken families on the passing of Curtis Heyliger

2014-05-28 | 19:58h
2014-05-28 | 19:58h
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Minister Lake says expresses deepest condolences to the Heyliger and Zwanikken families on the passing of Curtis Heyliger
Par Igor Rembotte 28 Mai 2014 13:58

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – Minister of Public Housing, Environment, Spatial Planning and Infrastructure (Ministry VROMI) Hon. Maurice Lake expresses deepest sympathy to the Leader of the United People’s (UP) Party and Member of Parliament Hon.

Theo Heyliger and family, as well to Debby Zwanikken and family, on behalf of his Cabinet and Ministry VROMI with respect to the tragic passing of their son Curtis Heyliger. 

“We are consumed with sadness to learn of the tragic loss of Curtis Heyliger.  Our thoughts are with you in this time of sorrow.  Word’s cannot express the sadness we feel for the Heyliger and Zwanikken families.  Know that our thoughts and prayers are with you. May his soul rest in peace,” Minister Hon. Maurice Lake said on Wednesday.

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Par Igor Rembotte 28 Mai 2014 13:58

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