évènement. Venez prêter main forte aux Fruits de Mer durant le Billfish tournament

2014-06-11 | 02:41h
2015-08-30 | 17:48h
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évènement. Venez prêter main forte aux Fruits de Mer durant le Billfish tournament
Par Mark YOKOYAMA 10 Juin 2014 20:41


We looking for additional volunteers to help us at the Billfish Tournament next week. We will have a marine life education booth and we will also be serving drinks at the bar. It is a great opportunity to interact with the community, and Les Fruits de Mer will be receiving the tips from the bar, a donation from the Billfish Association and the proceeds of a silent auction of a beautiful turtle sculpture. 

If you could volunteer for one of the days or part of one of the days it would be fantastic. Part of the money we raise will go to our education program, but it will also give us the funds to do fun activities for members. (Boat trip to Tintamarre? Bus for a birding tour around the island? Kayak through the mangroves?)

You don’t need any particular skills or knowledge to volunteer, just your time and your smile. Here are the dates and times of the tournament:

Wednesday, June 11th – 16:00h-21:30h

Thursday, June 12th – 16:00h-21:30h

Saturday, June 14th – 15:00h-23:00h

The tournament is at Marina Fort Louis in Marigot. Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday there will be concerts, so it should be a lot of fun. If you aren’t available to volunteer, you should still come by and see us!

Please let us know if you are interested and when you are available so we can create a schedule.

Jennifer “Madam J” Yerkes, President

Mark “Marc AuMarc” Yokoyama, Treasurer

Stephen Winkel, Secretary

Association Les Fruits de Mer: Join us for adventures in nature, culture, and education!

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Par Mark YOKOYAMA 10 Juin 2014 20:41

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