Sint Maarten. UP board announces resumption of preparations for August 29 Poll

Par Autre 15 Juin 2014 22:23

Sint Maarten. UP board announces resumption of preparations for August 29 Poll

150614-UPThe board of the United People’s Party (UP) hereby informs the nation that it resumes its preparations and activities in connection with the August 29 parliamentary polls for country Sint Maarten.

In the week of June 16 the UP Party will be launching a group that will raise political awareness through engagement and participation whereby they take their rightful place as builders and leaders of Sint Maarten.

Other activities to commence in the week of June 16 is ‘Green Friday’s’ and ‘Drive UP.’

The UP party suspended all activities and preparations for the national parliamentary elections on May 28 when the UP family and nation learnt about the tragic death of the party leader’s son.

The UP family and board takes this opportunity to thank all those who expressed their sympathy with respect to the passing of Curtis N. D. Heyliger, may his soul rest in eternal peace.

United People’s (UP) Party Board – GO GREEN

Par Autre 15 Juin 2014 22:23

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