On Tuesday June 24th at approximately 11.00 a.m. during a ceremony which was held by the Police Force of Sint Maarten on the premises of the former BBW-building on the Suckergarden road, 36 officers working in the Detective Department received their diploma in Basic Detective Training.
Six of these officers also received their diplomas for successfully completing their training as full fledged police officers and two senior officers received their certificates for successfully following training as “Tactical Instructor”. Chief Commissioner of Police Peter de Witte gave an extensive speech thanking all organizations involved for their tremendous cooperation and input in making these trainings successful.
The head of the Detective Department Mrs. Denise Jacobs also gave a speech explaining the necessity of these trainings and congratulating all the officers for their achievements. These trainings were given by RESECO represented by Mr. Peter van Zunderd and the Royal Marechaussee represented by Luitenant-Coronel Aard Lettink and financed by USONA represented at the ceremony by Mrs. Angela Dekker.