Sint Maarten. Attaque d’une banque à main armée, comme au bon vieux temps… mais où est John Wayne ?

2014-07-10 | 01:23h
2014-07-10 | 01:23h
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Sint Maarten. Attaque d’une banque à main armée, comme au bon vieux temps… mais où est John Wayne ?
Par Korps Politie Sint Maarten 9 Juil 2014 19:23

Armed bank robbery

On Tuesday July 7th between 09.50 and 10.00 a.m. several phone calls came in to the Central Police Dispatch reporting and armed robbery at the First Caribbean Bank on Welfare road.

According to the reports three armed men dressed completely in dark clothing stormed into the bank holding the security guard and the personnel of the bank hostage. The robbers then proceeded to rob the bank while threatening to use their weapons. After committing this act the robbers fled the bank on foot running towards the rear of the building.

It is still unclear if the robbers used a vehicle to leave the area. Immediately several police patrols, Detectives and Forensic investigators went to the scene to investigate and searched the area to locate the suspects. Thus far no one was injured during this robbery. The detectives are questioning witnesses and the Forensic Department is gathering evidence on the scene.

No suspects have been arrested in this case thus far. The Police Department is asking anyone who saw what took place or have any other information concerning this case to give the police department a call using 911, the tip line 9300 or 5420433.

As more information becomes available the media will be informed.

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Par Korps Politie Sint Maarten 9 Juil 2014 19:23

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