Sint Maarten . House fire young child slightly injured and House destroyed by fire

2014-08-16 | 04:06h
2014-08-16 | 04:06h
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Sint Maarten . House fire young child slightly injured and House destroyed by fire
Par Korps Politie Sint Maarten 15 Août 2014 22:06


House fire young child slightly injured

On Friday August 15th at approximately 09.05 a.m. police patrols, fire department and ambulance were directed to Sint peters road 81 where it was reported that a house was on fire. On the scene the police located the owner of the home and her two children who stated that she was busy preparing breakfast in the kitchen when suddenly the gas cylinder which sits next to stove caught fire. She immediately started putting the fire and removing the children from the home in that process herself and her young son received minor burns to their legs. The fire department arrived shortly on the scene and the fire was limited on to the kitchen. Both children and the mother were attended to by the paramedics and then taken to the Sint Maarten medical Center for further treatment. After treatment the mother and her children were allowed to return home. The cause of the fire has not yet been determined.

House destroyed by fire

On Friday August 15th at approximately 02.55 p.m. police patrols, fire department and ambulance were directed to L.B. Scot road in the vicinity of Ebenezer where it was reported that a house was on fire. On the arrival of the emergency services noticed that an entire house located on that housing complex was on fire. The fire department immediately went to work to put the fire out and within short the fire was brought under control. No one was at home during the time of the fire and no one was injured. The cause of the fire has not yet been determined and the owner and children of that home will be taken care of by family members.

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Par Korps Politie Sint Maarten 15 Août 2014 22:06

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