Sint Maarten Elections . Visit the

Par F.L 17 Août 2014 09:21

sxm-electionsI hereby introduce, your one stop source on the internet for all information on St. Maarten’s first parliamentary election.

Instead of searching 90 different facebook pages or 6 party websites for information on the candidates or parties, logon to sxmelections,com and get every thing. The site is populated with information from the last 4 elections allowing visitors to review and compare party and candidate pass election results.
Below we have outlined the many features provides:
1. a profile page for the party with manifesto, goals and objectives, history and more
2. a page for each Candidates profile with bios, achievements, core concerns, Emails, Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube links. sound files, pictures, websites and sandbox name. Too often  information about the individual candidates and what they stand for never get the needed exposure. All candidates have the option to send their profile information to so it can be updated.
3. a single platform where both the party and candidates facebook post and news release are displayed on the individual candidate and party page. This allows for archiving of the post, press release for easier referencing. Facebook does not provide a clean interface for this as users facebook walls are cluttered with non political content as well as content that is posted by friends. Our site provides a clean managed platform for your political information ONLY.
4. a scheduling interface to inform about party and candidate events, outings and radio/TV interviews
5. political information updates gathered from various news feeds. Articles related to the party and/or candidate are posted on the party and individuals page. The articles are archived and index with candidate and party tags for easier grouping of information.
6. Historical information on pass elections showing parties and candidates performance. The information will be updated the evening of the elections and remain available future viewing. Information and results of older elections will also be added at a later date. The database will also be updated made ready for the elections on the Northern half of the island.
Visit the and like our facebook page.
The site is powered by Corner Stone Solutions –  Transforming Business with Technology.
Par F.L 17 Août 2014 09:21

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