Sint Maarten : Police keeps streets safe and conduct traffic controls

2015-01-30 | 14:20h
2015-01-30 | 14:20h
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Sint Maarten : Police keeps streets safe and conduct traffic controls
Par Korps Politie Sint Maarten 30 Jan 2015 09:20


During the week of Sunday January 25th through January 29th 2015 the port of Sint Maarten has been quite busy with the large amount cruise ship arrivals totaling 24 thus far.

By the end of the week the amount of cruise vessel arrivals should surpass 30. The streets of Sint Maarten have been quite busy with the many cruise passengers visiting the island.

The Police Department has also been extremely busy providing the necessary safety and security for the visitors and the entire community.

During the day you could see the officers on patrols and keeping a keen eye out to what is going on. Officers were seen controlling many vehicles and regulating the flow of traffic.

During this period approximately 150 fines were given to drivers who were in violation with the traffic laws.

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Par Korps Politie Sint Maarten 30 Jan 2015 09:20

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