Lettre ouverte au Président de la République de Monsieur Léopold Baly
NDLR - Il ne s'agit pas ici de relayer les mots de Monsieur Baly parce qu'ils correspondraient à une ligne éditoriale qui serait la notre mais plutôt de refuser la pensée unique et de permettre une prise de conscience transversale de ce qui est aussi vécu à Saint-Martin et par une part non négligeable de la population. Cette lettre est naturellement rédigée en anglais et nous ne la traduirons pas, n'en déplaise au mono-linguiste, l'anglais étant la langue maternelle à Saint-Martin.
MAY 8th, 2015
Your Honour President of the French Republic,
Saint-Martin is honoured by your visit and hope that it will arise your conscience to the reality of facts,
Your are visiting the smallest mass of land in the world to be divided between two governments.
Therefore the provisions of this January 3rd, 1986 being subject:
On one hand the rights of third parties ownership on the beaches and sea shores of our island,
And on the other hand article 538 of the “code civil” of the legislator of 1804 who had classified the sea shores, lais and relays of the sea, in the category of things not liable to be privatized, being repealed by the ordinance no. 2006-460 of April 21st, 2006
The natives of St-Martin, visitors coming to our Island for decades, are today humiliated in body and soul, being driven away like intruding animals from bathing in the sea, trespassing on beaches, sea shores and most picturesque sites of the French Side, that were for centuries considered natural public domain an opened to the public until the enforcement of the June 30th, 1955 decree upon the Island.
The Island entire sea littoral should have remain NATURAL PUBLIC DOMAIN, therefore, the Island appeal to your Honour, President of the French Republic that new laws be put in place to assure to the entire population and all visitors and tourists to the Island free and accommodating access to all beaches, sea shores and natural picturesque sites on the French Side of the Island.
The Island of Saint-Martin expresses to your Honour President of the french Republic, advance thanks for your kind attention to the Island here formulated plea.
The Island sincere and very high consideration to your Honour, President of the French Republic
Leopold Baly