Lowlands Community Garden

Your Community Garden Needs Your Help !

2015-06-05 | 17:33h
2015-06-05 | 17:33h
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Lowlands Community Garden – Your Community Garden Needs Your Help !
Par Association 5 Juin 2015 11:33

The staff and volunteers at the Lowlands Community Garden have been working hard for nearly 2 years to bring fresh, chemical-free produce to families across our island. Unfortunately, we’ve faced more than a few setbacks in the past 12 months including hurricane Gonzalo, excessive drought and frequent power outages at our location.

We’ve had to use much of our cash flow and reserve funds to manage these impacts on production and some of our regular expenses have been neglected as a result.  We’ve applied for hurricane relief funds but in the mean time our debtors are requesting payment now, which is why we are appealing to you for emergency funds today.  We don’t constantly bombard our friends and supporters for money. But the truth is, the wolf is at the door.

We need to raise $6,500 by June 9th.

That’s only 5 days time so we’ve got to hurry!

We’re requesting cash or tangible donations that can be sold to raise cash.  With over 1,500 contacts in our network, we believe it’s achievable.  If just 20% of our extended community donate just $20 each we’ll raise $6,000, nearly reaching our goal, and our community garden will keep on growing.

Anyone can help and any amount is appreciated.  Click on the button below to make a donation via Paypal or email us at donate@lowlandscommunitygarden.com to make a tangible donation.  Your donation may be tax deductible, depending on where you live.  Let us know if you need a receipt.

You can also help by spreading our message through your favourite social media platforms and email.  Please help us get the word out and reach our goal!!

We cannot thank you enough for sticking with us and supporting our aims. Hopefully, we’ll have many more years growing together, in a Garden where everyone is welcome.

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Par Association 5 Juin 2015 11:33
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