Sint Maarten Police report : Attempted robbery investigated – False / counterfeit U.S. bills in circulation – Two persons arrested illegal fire arm possession

Sint Maarten Police report : Attempted robbery investigated – False / counterfeit U.S. bills in circulation – Two persons arrested illegal fire arm possession

🕔13:46, 10.Juil 2016

Attempted robbery investigated The Special Robbery Unit is presently investigating an attempted armed robbery on the Star Mart Gas Station located on Welfare Road in Cole bay. The incident took place on Thursday July 7th at approximately 12.55 p.m. This

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The USA Independence Day Highlighted at SXM Airport

The USA Independence Day Highlighted at SXM Airport

🕔22:15, 6.Juil 2016

Sweet snacks and balloons emblazoned with the red, white and blue colors of the USA flag, and St. Maarten music playing in the background, highlighted the USA Independence Day celebration for travelers at SXM Airport, on July 4, 2016. The

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SInt Maarten : CPO’s honor most improved students

SInt Maarten : CPO’s honor most improved students

🕔16:29, 6.Juil 2016

As the school year comes to an end, the Community Police Officers wrap up the Cops & Kids program which included the One on One sessions where students asked the CPOs about their jobs and more general questions, an Open

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Sint Maarten Police report

Sint Maarten Police report

🕔18:12, 5.Juil 2016

Armed robbery The Special Unit Robbery is presently investigating an armed robbery which took place on Monday July 4th at approximately 08.30 a.m. at the Sol Gas Station on the Juancho Yrausquin Boulevard in Point Blanche. The victim/gas-attendant that just

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Sint Maarten police report

Sint Maarten police report

🕔18:50, 3.Juil 2016

Unknown man found dead Detectives are presently investigating a case of man found dead on the side of the Arlet Peters road; better know as the Old Cake House road. The body was found on the section of the road

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Sint Maarten Police Report : Home invasions

Sint Maarten Police Report : Home invasions

🕔18:41, 30.Juin 2016

The Special Robbery Unit is presently investigating three home invasions, at different locations on the Dutch side of the island, which occurred over the past four days. These acts were committed by groups of unknown men who would force themselves

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Gendarmerie :  Résultats d’enquête de la découverte d’un cadavre le 26 mai 2016 sur une plage à la Baie Nettlé

Gendarmerie : Résultats d’enquête de la découverte d’un cadavre le 26 mai 2016 sur une plage à la Baie Nettlé

🕔09:35, 30.Juin 2016

Le 26 Mai 2016, la Gendarmerie Nationale reçoit un appel téléphonique pour l’informer de la présence d’un corps sans vie sur le rivage à proximité de l’hôtel la « Belle Créole » à la Baie Nettlé. L’individu découvert est dépourvu

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Costa Rican Quince Duncan receives “Presidents Award” at St. Martin Book Fair 2016

Costa Rican Quince Duncan receives “Presidents Award” at St. Martin Book Fair 2016

🕔08:22, 26.Juin 2016

The presentation of the Presidents Award to Dr. Quince Duncan in St. Martin deepens Caribbean and Central American links, reports RECA Informa, an influential Central American studies newsletter. “This recognition of the work and career of Quince Duncan deepens transregional

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Sint Maarten Police report

Sint Maarten Police report

🕔21:06, 20.Juin 2016

Members of the Royal Marechassee sworn in On Friday June 17th 2016 during a short ceremony at the office of the Minister of Justice three new member of Royal Marechaussee were sworn in by the Justice Minister Edson Kirindongo. The

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Sint Maarten police report

Sint Maarten police report

🕔21:15, 19.Juin 2016

Police arrests three suspects/ Investigation ongoing. The Detectives department is presently investigating three unrelated cases and each in which a suspect arrested. One female suspect with initials Z.C. was arrested in connection with Human smuggling/ human trafficking when she tried

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Regina LaBega Praised at Caribbean Aviation Meet Up Conference in Dominica

Regina LaBega Praised at Caribbean Aviation Meet Up Conference in Dominica

🕔21:11, 19.Juin 2016

Airport and tourism expert, Regina LaBega was the toast of the gathering at the first Caribbean Aviation Meet Up conference hosted by the Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica, in Rousseau, Dominica from June 14 – 16, 2016. LaBega gave

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Sint Maarten : Police gives info on “Active Shooter” event Active shooter

Sint Maarten : Police gives info on “Active Shooter” event Active shooter

🕔16:09, 14.Juin 2016

An active shooter is an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area, typically through the use of firearms. As a result of the ongoing “mass murder” investigation which took place at

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Sint Maarten : CPOs host “ The Great Debate”

Sint Maarten : CPOs host “ The Great Debate”

🕔06:46, 14.Juin 2016

On Tuesday, June 7th, Community Police Officers S.P. Crispulo, D.A.Chandler, S.P. Carty and E. S. Josepha with P. S. Bell from the Inspectorate of Education, hosted the first Great Debate. Under the auspices of Cops & Kids, three schools namely

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Sint Maarten : Vol à main armée, avis de recherche de deux individus

Sint Maarten : Vol à main armée, avis de recherche de deux individus

🕔18:31, 13.Juin 2016

Vendredi 8 Avril 2016 aux environs de 22h30 à l’entrée du Billy Folly à Pelican Cay, un vol à main armée avait eu lieu. La police de Sint Maarten a publié deux photos où l’on peut très bien distinguer les

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PJIAE and WICSU-PSU sign four-year Collective Labor Agreement

PJIAE and WICSU-PSU sign four-year Collective Labor Agreement

🕔21:16, 7.Juin 2016

Following nearly 18 months of negotiations, PJIAE and WICSU-PSU recently signed a four-year agreement, which covers the employees of SXM Airport’s Air Traffic Services division. Mr. Larry Donker, Deputy Managing Director of PJIAE, said it was “both a pleasure and

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Sint-Martin / Sint Maarten : Rencontre pour un protocole d’accord entre les hôpitaux des deux parties de l’île

Sint-Martin / Sint Maarten : Rencontre pour un protocole d’accord entre les hôpitaux des deux parties de l’île

🕔08:10, 6.Juin 2016

Samedi matin a eu lieu, à l’hôpital Louis-Constant Fleming, une rencontre qui fait suite à plusieurs réunions de travail. La création du nouvel hôpital de Sint-Maarten accélère les dynamiques de coopération entre les deux territoires, et cette entrevue a permis

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🕔20:40, 5.Juin 2016

Based on information circulating on Face book since Thursday evening June 2, 2016 concerning a corpse of a baby found in an advanced stage of decomposition on the dump (Landfill), the St. Maarten Police Force, KPSM and the Prosecutor Office

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Sint Maarten : Serious traffic accident

Sint Maarten : Serious traffic accident

🕔20:34, 5.Juin 2016

The police traffic department is presently investigating a very serious traffic accident which took place on Sunday June 5th at approximately 05.50 a.m. on the Welfare road in the vicinity of Eduardo’s Guest House. Police, Fire and ambulance Department were

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Ambulance handover to VKS at SXM Airport

Ambulance handover to VKS at SXM Airport

🕔09:00, 2.Juin 2016

The Princess Juliana International Airport, SXM, recently donated an ambulance to the Voluntary Korps of Sint Maarten (VKS). Manilo Penijn, Manager of the Rescue & Fire Fighting Department of SXM, handed over the ambulance, formerly owned by the department to

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Science fiction and forensics science “collide” in St. Martin

Science fiction and forensics science “collide” in St. Martin

🕔18:43, 29.Mai 2016

Experts from the Forensics Department of the St. Maarten Police and popular Canadian science fiction writer Nalo Hopkinson may not know each other yet but their worlds are about to collide on the Friendly Island. “Collide is probably a word

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Police report Sint Maarten

Police report Sint Maarten

🕔18:37, 29.Mai 2016

Justice Minister signs documents for the purchase of SOREMAR building On Monday May 23rd, the Justice Minister Edson Kirindongo, while on official visit at the police headquarters in Philipsburg and the representative/real estate agent of Remax Elite Mr. Antonio Pomato

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Sint Maarten :  Fusillade sur le parking du westin – 5 balles tirées (MAJ-UPDATE)

Sint Maarten : Fusillade sur le parking du westin – 5 balles tirées (MAJ-UPDATE)

🕔11:05, 29.Mai 2016

Dimanche 29 mai 2016, à 10h10, des coups de feu ont été tirés sur le parking du Westin à Oyster Pond. 5 balles ont été retrouvés sur le sol, et une voiture a vu sa vitre arrière cassée par un

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La galère portugaise aussi appelée “vessie de mer” s’invite sur les côtes Antillaises : Surtout ne jamais la toucher !

La galère portugaise aussi appelée “vessie de mer” s’invite sur les côtes Antillaises : Surtout ne jamais la toucher !

🕔17:55, 24.Mai 2016

La Galère Portugaise est aussi belle que dangereuse. Ressemblant étrangement à une méduse en forme de demi-lune avec de longes tentacules, elle est également appelée “vessie de mer”. Elle ne doit absolument pas être manipulé par l’homme ! La Galère

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Sint maarten Police press release

Sint maarten Police press release

🕔20:07, 23.Mai 2016

Chiefs of police held meeting on Sint Maarten On Friday May 13th the KPSM hosted the meeting between the chiefs of police of Curacao, Aruba and Sint Maarten. These meetings are held every six weeks, in a rotating manner on

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Sint Maarten police report

Sint Maarten police report

🕔09:49, 23.Mai 2016

Minister receives annual report On Thursday May 19th 2016 member of the management board of the Joint Court of Justice Mr. Kelvin Bloyden during a brief meeting at the Ministry of Justice presented the Minister of Justice Mr. Edson Kirindongo

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