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Tag "Atlantis Casino"

Sint Maarten : Update on ongoing armed robberies

Sint Maarten : Update on ongoing armed robberies

🕔17:05, 3.Fév 2015

The Detective Department is reporting that there is a lot of progress in the investigations of many of the ongoing armed robberies which have taken place in the latter part of 2014 and in the beginning of 2015. These investigations

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St. Maarten – Attempted armed robbery, a security guard shot

St. Maarten – Attempted armed robbery, a security guard shot

🕔16:37, 16.Nov 2014

On Sunday November 16th at approximately 12.00 p.m. several police patrols, detectives and paramedics were sent to the Atlantis Casino in the Cupe Coy area to investigate a robbery at that establishment. On the scene the investigating officers learnt that

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