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Tag "Dennis Richardson"

P O L I C E   R E P O R T  – Recruits swear  in.

P O L I C E R E P O R T – Recruits swear in.

🕔14:51, 27.Sep 2015

On Friday September 25th 2015 all 18 recruits presently in training for the Police Force have been sworn in by the Honorable Minister of Justice Dennis Richardson. The ceremony took place at the Philipsburg Police Station in the presence of

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St. Maarten – Ministers and School boards sign Memorandum of Understanding

St. Maarten – Ministers and School boards sign Memorandum of Understanding

🕔14:48, 21.Juin 2015

On Thursday June 18th at 02 p.m. the Honorable Minister of Education Mrs. Rita Bourne-Gumbs, the Honorable Minister of Justice Mr. Dennis Richardson and representatives of the School board for secondary education came together at the Philipsburg Police Station for

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St. Maarten – Police attends intense training

St. Maarten – Police attends intense training

🕔11:26, 16.Juin 2015

For the past 12 weeks, with the blessings of the Honorable Minister of Justice Dennis Richardson and in collaboration with the other police forces in the Dutch Caribbean, a group of 25 police officers from the police forces of Bonaire,

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Rencontre entre le Ministre de la justice de Sint Maarten, Dennis RICHARDSON, et M. le Préfet délégué, Philippe CHOPIN

Rencontre entre le Ministre de la justice de Sint Maarten, Dennis RICHARDSON, et M. le Préfet délégué, Philippe CHOPIN

🕔12:15, 24.Nov 2014

Le jeudi 20 novembre, M. le Ministre de la justice de Sint Maarten, Dennis RICHARDSON, et M. le Préfet délégué, Philippe CHOPIN, se sont rencontrés à la préfecture de Marigot afin d’évoquer un certain nombre de sujets liés à la coopération entre

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Sint Maarten – Former Lt. Governor supports ‘Stop, Drop and Go’

Sint Maarten – Former Lt. Governor supports ‘Stop, Drop and Go’

🕔18:01, 30.Oct 2014

On Thursday October 30th the former Lt. Governor of the Island Territory of Sint Maarten, Max Pandt, decided support the project ‘Stop, Drop and Go’. The Minister of Justice, the honorable Dennis Richardson, invited Mr. Pandt into his office and,

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