PJIAE and WICSU-PSU sign four-year Collective Labor Agreement

PJIAE and WICSU-PSU sign four-year Collective Labor Agreement

🕔21:16, 7.Juin 2016

Following nearly 18 months of negotiations, PJIAE and WICSU-PSU recently signed a four-year agreement, which covers the employees of SXM Airport’s Air Traffic Services division. Mr. Larry Donker, Deputy Managing Director of PJIAE, said it was “both a pleasure and

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SXM Airport Maintains Moody’s Rating with “Stable Outlook”

SXM Airport Maintains Moody’s Rating with “Stable Outlook”

🕔12:50, 27.Avr 2016

In a recent announcement Moody’s Investors Service (Moody’s) said it has “affirmed Princess Juliana International Airport Operating Company N.V. (PJIAE) rating of Baa2.” The rating outlook is stable. “The affirmation of the rating and outlook is underpinned by the airport’s

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SXM Airport, IATA and Stakeholders to Discuss Automated Passport Control

SXM Airport, IATA and Stakeholders to Discuss Automated Passport Control

🕔15:27, 26.Jan 2015

St. Maarten government representatives from the Ministry of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transport and Telecommunications (TEATT) and the Ministry of Justice will attend a meeting on Tuesday, January 27, 2015, hosted by the Princess Juliana International Airport, SXM, to discuss the possible establishment of an

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Crash de l’avion cargo FEDEX : le corps du co-pilote retrouvé au large de Mullet Bay

Crash de l’avion cargo FEDEX : le corps du co-pilote retrouvé au large de Mullet Bay

🕔08:02, 30.Oct 2014

Les sauveteurs en mer de Sint Maarten, les gardes côtes et les services d’urgences ont réagit hier mercredi 29 octobre en soirée suite à un témoignage indiquant qu’un avion se serait abîmé en mer lors de son approche de la piste du

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SXM Airport’s Corporate Governance Reports Now Online

SXM Airport’s Corporate Governance Reports Now Online

🕔18:49, 26.Oct 2014

SIMPSON BAY, St. Maarten (Sunday, October 26, 2014)—The Corporate Governance Reports for 2010 and 2011 respectively of the Princess Juliana International Airport Operating Company NV (PJIAE NV), are now available online at the airport’s website at: http://www.sxmairport.com/corporate-governance-reports.php. According to Regina

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Sint Maarten. First SXM Female Radar Controller

Sint Maarten. First SXM Female Radar Controller

🕔11:50, 25.Fév 2014

“Welcome to the gentleman’s club,” blurted out a male colleague when Sophia Peterson Rismay was called to receive a token of appreciation at the end of year party of the Princess Juliana International Airport (SXM). She stepped up to the

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Sint Maarten. SXM Airport to Talk to Simpson Bay Community Council about Developments

Sint Maarten. SXM Airport to Talk to Simpson Bay Community Council about Developments

🕔22:39, 16.Fév 2014

SIMPSON BAY, St. Maarten (Sunday, February 16, 2014)—The Princess Juliana International Airport (SXM), is set to approach the Simpson Bay Community Council to discuss developments at the Airport as part of its program to engage the community in its Capital

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PJIAE. Gov. Holiday Presents LaBega with Bouquet of Flowers on SXM 70th Anniversary

PJIAE. Gov. Holiday Presents LaBega with Bouquet of Flowers on SXM 70th Anniversary

🕔11:21, 5.Déc 2013

Shortly after he returned from The Netherlands aboard a KLM flight on Tuesday, December 3, His Excellency drs. Eugene Holiday, Governor of St. Maarten, returned briskly to familiar grounds to present Regina LaBega, managing director of Princess Juliana International Airport

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Sint Maarten. Airport’s New Terminal Building is Seven  on Eve of St. Maarten Day

Sint Maarten. Airport’s New Terminal Building is Seven on Eve of St. Maarten Day

🕔10:01, 9.Nov 2013

The ultra-modern Terminal Building at the Princess Juliana International Airport (SXM) will be seven years old on the eve of St. Maarten Day. The facility was officially opened on November 10, 2006 by Her Majesty Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands

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Sint Maarten. “Meet and Greet” area spruced up

Sint Maarten. “Meet and Greet” area spruced up

🕔10:12, 19.Oct 2013

The “Meet and Greet” area at the Princess Juliana International Airport (SXM) has been spruced up to mark the airport’s 70th anniversary and also to reflect the stunning landing approach for which it has become world famous, with CNN being the

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PJIAE Business Softball Knockout winners

PJIAE Business Softball Knockout winners

🕔13:45, 31.Juil 2012

CUL-DE-SAC, St. Maarten (July 27, 2012)—The four-day softball knockout for corporate and government sporting teams hosted by the PJIAE Sporting Club concluded at the John Cooper-Jose Lake, Jr., Ballpark on Sunday, July 29. In the final matches on Sunday, PJIAE

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PJIAE Section Head Security Guards delivers moving keynote address at PWAS graduation

PJIAE Section Head Security Guards delivers moving keynote address at PWAS graduation

🕔17:34, 26.Juin 2012

ST. PETERS, St. Maarten (June 26, 2012)—PJIAE Section Head Security Guards Elsidro St. Jago, delivered the keynote address to some 18 graduates of the Prince Willem Alexander School (PWAS) on Friday. When, as corporate citizen, Princess Juliana Int’l Airport adopted

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PJIAE and WINAIR treat PWAS students to special island tour

PJIAE and WINAIR treat PWAS students to special island tour

🕔04:00, 3.Juin 2012

SIMPSON BAY, St. Maarten (JUne 6, 2012)</strong> —The Princess Juliana Int’l Airport operating company N.V. (PJIAE) brought smiles to faces of the graduating class of the Prins Willem Alexander School (PWAS) on Friday by organizing a very unique adventure. The

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PJIAE honors seven employees in its “Employee of the Month Recognition Program”

PJIAE honors seven employees in its “Employee of the Month Recognition Program”

🕔21:45, 27.Mai 2012

SIMPSON BAY, St. Maarten (May 27, 2012)—Princess Juliana Int’l Airport operating company NV (PJIAE) hosted its Employee of the Month Recognition Program on Friday, May 25. Airport management, staff members, and close friends and family of those recognized, convened in

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