Saint-Martin : Upcoming events with Les Fruits de Mer

Saint-Martin : Upcoming events with Les Fruits de Mer

🕔15:15, 29.Jan 2015

Mardis de Grand Case have been good. Please stop by our booth every Tuesday from 6pm to 10pm until March 10th. You can see images and the presentations from the first two weeks here: What’s up with all these butterflies? Wild

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Saint-Martin : Les Fruits de Mer ready for 2015

Saint-Martin : Les Fruits de Mer ready for 2015

🕔09:41, 19.Jan 2015

We are excited to announce our first events of 2015, including our booth at Mardis de Grand Case each week, activities at the opening of the Discovery Farm and Garden at Seaside Nature Park and, of course, Tacousteau! The calendar

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Sint Eustatius – Field Research for Wildlife Book Begins

Sint Eustatius – Field Research for Wildlife Book Begins

🕔12:05, 22.Déc 2014

The authors of an upcoming book documenting the wildlife of St. Eustatius hit the ground running with an initial field research session that took them around the island, documenting creatures great and small. Co-authors Hannah Madden and Mark Yokoyama documented

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Event – Photo Exhibition to Showcase Diversity of Heritage

Event – Photo Exhibition to Showcase Diversity of Heritage

🕔10:13, 3.Déc 2014

The 2014 Heritage Photo Exhibition will present a wide variety of perspectives on St. Martin heritage when it opens at Lagoonies Bistro & Bar on Saturday, December 6th starting at 7pm. The Exhibition will feature a brilliant array of imagery

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Environnement – Le Festival des Oiseaux Migrateurs de Saint-Martin prend son envol le 11 octobre 2014

Environnement – Le Festival des Oiseaux Migrateurs de Saint-Martin prend son envol le 11 octobre 2014

🕔08:30, 23.Sep 2014

22 Septembre 2014, Grand Case, Saint Martin – Partout sur l’île, des naturalistes, ornithologues, éducateurs, artistes et autres bénévoles travaillent ensemble pour faire de la deuxième édition annuelle du Festival des Oiseaux Migrateurs (Migratory Bird Festival) une journée mémorable pour tout le

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Environment – Migratory Bird Festival 2014 Sponsorship Request

Environment – Migratory Bird Festival 2014 Sponsorship Request

🕔21:04, 16.Sep 2014

Help make this year’s Migratory Bird Festival fantastic! We’d love you to join us for the 2014 Migratory Bird Festival as our guest, sponsor, or both. The Migratory Bird Festival is a free, public Wildlife Discovery Event created by Les

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Environnement. Ne manquez pas le festival des animaux endémiques de Saint-Martin

Environnement. Ne manquez pas le festival des animaux endémiques de Saint-Martin

🕔18:35, 7.Avr 2014

L’association de passionnés de l’environnement, de la faune et de la flore de Saint-Martin, les Fruits de Mer, organise le festival annuel des Animaux Endémiques. Cet événement est gratuit et ouvert à tous. Que vous soyez de passage ou résidents

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Environnement. Découvrez Plus sur la Faune de l’Île Chaque Mardi

Environnement. Découvrez Plus sur la Faune de l’Île Chaque Mardi

🕔21:23, 9.Mar 2014

Grand Case, St. Martin, 9 Mars 2014 – Résidents et touristes de tous âges sont invités à en apprendre un peu sur la faune sauvage de l’île chaque semaine, au stand organisé par l’Association Les Fruits de Mer aux foires

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Wild Life. The Strange Sex Lives of Fish

Wild Life. The Strange Sex Lives of Fish

🕔09:24, 20.Jan 2014

Though they may not seem sexy to us, when it comes to reproduction, fish are quite fascinating. In some cases a male and female will spawn together, and butterfly fish even travel in pairs. For many other fish, however, things

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Nature. The Mantis Shrimp, Incredible Claws and Eyes

Nature. The Mantis Shrimp, Incredible Claws and Eyes

🕔15:05, 17.Jan 2014

St. Martin is home to a wide variety of fascinating wildlife, both on land and underwater. The mantis shrimp is one of the most incredible underwater creatures in our seas, although many people have never seen one. A recent survey

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Forest Katydid. A piece of Saint-Martin Wildlife

Forest Katydid. A piece of Saint-Martin Wildlife

🕔19:26, 11.Jan 2014

The most familiar katydids on the island are green with leaf-shaped wings, but in the forest there is a very different type of katydid. The forest katydid (Nesonotus tricornis), is various shades of brown, with patterns that make it blend

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The Most Dangerous Animal on St. Martin

The Most Dangerous Animal on St. Martin

🕔11:58, 20.Déc 2013

The most dangerous animal on St. Martin isn’t a snake, a spider or a stinging insect. It’s tiny, and under different circumstances, it would be nothing more than a minor annoyance to most people. However, thanks to its unique relationship

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Environnement. “Birds & Bugs”, l’évènement pour découvrir le côté sauvage de Saint-Martin

Environnement. “Birds & Bugs”, l’évènement pour découvrir le côté sauvage de Saint-Martin

🕔12:41, 3.Déc 2013

02 Décembre 2013 – Grand Case, St. Martin – Ce samedi, résidents et visiteurs de tout âge sont invités à l’évènement Birds & Bugs 2013 pour célébrer la faune sauvage de l’île. Cet évènement se déroulera le 7 Décembre de

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The Stick Insect

The Stick Insect

🕔22:41, 2.Déc 2013

The stick insect, or walking stick is quite common on St. Martin, but difficult to find because it is very well camouflaged and primarily active at night. These insects resemble sticks and may even sway from side-to-side as if blowing

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Saint-Martin. Les amoureux de la nature organisent l’évènement Birds & Bugs 2013, Samedi 7 Décembre

Saint-Martin. Les amoureux de la nature organisent l’évènement Birds & Bugs 2013, Samedi 7 Décembre

🕔11:09, 27.Nov 2013

Des naturalistes, écologistes, ornithologues, artistes et autres bénévoles travaillent ensemble pour que le 1er évènement Birds & Bugs (Oiseaux et Insectes) reste un jour spécial pour tous. Cette manifestation gratuite et publique est initiée par l’association Les Fruits de Mer. Tous

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The Endemic Leaf-mimic Katydid of Saint-Martin

The Endemic Leaf-mimic Katydid of Saint-Martin

🕔22:34, 26.Nov 2013

Katydids are closely related to grasshoppers and crickets, and many species have evolved to look like leaves as a form of camouflage. On St. Martin, we have two species of bright green katydid with angular wings that make them look

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Environnement. Investissez-vous autour de l’évènement “Birds & Bugs”

Environnement. Investissez-vous autour de l’évènement “Birds & Bugs”

🕔09:05, 25.Nov 2013

Aidez-nous à faire de l’événement Birds & Bugs (Oiseaux & Insectes) 2013 un succès en sponsorisant les fournitures ! Créé par l’association Les Fruits de Mer, “Oiseaux & Insectes” est un évènement de découverte de la faune, ouvert au public et gratuit, durant

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Les Fruits de Mer Provides Natural Inspiration for Students

Les Fruits de Mer Provides Natural Inspiration for Students

🕔12:06, 25.Oct 2013

Click! A huddle of captivated 11-year-olds from Quartier d’Orléans crowded around a tiny, electric green Leaf-mimic Katydid in a portable photo studio at Loterie Farm, taking turns to try out close-up nature photography. The photo workshop was held as part

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The Fascinating and Dangerous Life of the Oleander Aphid

The Fascinating and Dangerous Life of the Oleander Aphid

🕔19:22, 20.Oct 2013

The oleander aphid (Aphis nerii) is a tiny insect, about 2mm long, but it lives a fascinating life, facing many tiny predators. From the insect family Hemiptera, aphids have piercing, sucking mouthparts, like a straw, and feed on plant juices.

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Saint-Martin. Heritage Development Planned at Tourism Conference

Saint-Martin. Heritage Development Planned at Tourism Conference

🕔10:43, 18.Oct 2013

Anse Marcel, October 17th, 2013 – A diverse group of people came together around a conference room table at the Radisson Hotel in Anse Marcel, to spend the day planning how to develop St. Martin’s cultural and natural heritage assets

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Saint-Martin. Les Fruits de Mer on a Mission to Promote Natural and Cultural Heritage

Saint-Martin. Les Fruits de Mer on a Mission to Promote Natural and Cultural Heritage

🕔09:37, 15.Oct 2013

The Les Fruits de Mer Association has announced its core mission–to raise awareness about ecology, culture, and sport–and launched its website, where membership applications are currently being accepted. Officially founded this summer, the St. Martin-based organization plans to carry out its

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Environnement. Hundreds Flock to Migratory Bird Festival

Environnement. Hundreds Flock to Migratory Bird Festival

🕔23:00, 1.Oct 2013

Cul-de-Sac, September 29, 2013 – Over 200 guests, young and old, came to enjoy the Migratory Bird Festival on Sunday morning at Étang de la Barrière in Cul-de-Sac. The event included guided birdwatching tours on the newly-built wooden boardwalk trail

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Saint-Martin : Étang de la Barrière, a Place for Birds

Saint-Martin : Étang de la Barrière, a Place for Birds

🕔22:44, 22.Sep 2013

Étang de la Barrière, right beside the Pinel ferry dock in Cul-de-Sac is one of many wetland habitats on our island which is home to a wide variety of birds. Egrets, herons and shorebirds live in, and depend on, our

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A piece of St Martin Wild Life – High Season for Shorebirds

A piece of St Martin Wild Life – High Season for Shorebirds

🕔10:08, 9.Sep 2013

It might be low season for tourists right now, but it’s high season for migratory birds on St. Martin. Each fall the island is host to tens of thousands of birds from dozens of species that come to the island

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A piece of St Martin Wild Life – The yellow-crowned night heron

A piece of St Martin Wild Life – The yellow-crowned night heron

🕔11:19, 29.Août 2013

Fashions of the Crab-eater The yellow-crowned night heron (Nycticorax violacea) is a secretive bird that spends most of its days hiding in the mangroves. At night, it hunts on our salt ponds and is especially fond of crab. For this

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